Arte tra le Calli, Association [A], Marano Lagunare, Italy, 2022

Group show

Selfdom Reliquary  (Installation view)
For “[A] 2022, Arte tra le Calli”, I am exhibiting two works that were created in different places and at different times but naturally came together for this event.
The first work is entitled ‘Selfdom Reliquary’, and is also the name of the installation. It is a humanoid figure made of wood of African origin and a tough, red essence. The figure is wrapped in copper wires and suspended from the ceiling by steel cables.
The second work, ‘Technological Mandala 91 – As above so below’, is a metal structure of a single bed, where the bed base is replaced with an abstract geometric construction of copper wires and electronic components.
The two works, the suspended sleeping humanoid and the modified bed net are ideally connected by a sound circulatory system above the wooden sculpture. The sound system is made from an amplifier’s dismantled and working parts, a tape recorder modified to play a continuous loop tape and a guitar pedal that modulates and transforms the sound generated by a synthesiser.
The installation environment is pervaded by an obsessive sound that is played every eighteen seconds from the audio tape played by the recorder, and a random noise generated by the synthesiser in response to the presence of people in the room.
“Selfdom Reliquary” is a work that focuses on randomness and order of things in relation to the person as an individual, prompting the visitor to reflect on where and what the deep ‘Self’ is.