Leonardo Ulian MRSS 2023
I have been selected to become a member of the Royal Sculpture Society. Here is my page on the RSS website: > sculptors.org.uk/artists/leonardo-ulian

I have been selected to become a member of the Royal Sculpture Society. Here is my page on the RSS website: > sculptors.org.uk/artists/leonardo-ulian
Bicycles are much more than simple, inexpensive and climatefriendly means of transportation – a fact that was discovered by artists as early as 1913, when Marcel Duchamp presented his fi rst readymade Roue de bicyclette. Subsequently, countless works of art […]
The exhibition is located is a 200-year-old building, now called the Jebum-Gang Art Center. Built-in the mid-19th century, the Jebum-Gang Lhakhang Palace has been a landmark in Lhasa. It features a unique and rare mandala structure and hosts several murals from […]
‘Perpetual nexus’ is the second solo exhibition by Leonardo Ulian at The Flat -Massimo Carasi in Milan. In his sculptural works, Ulian explores the relationship between technological objects and the immaterial, with a new series of works and a large […]
The Scorching Sun Art Lab, Lhasa, Tibet
I will be at Volta Basel 2016 with The Flat gallery, Massimo Carasi – Markethalle, Basel, Switzerland.